false move


false move 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a movement that may be interpreted as threatening.
  2. an act or action that can cause trouble or damage; mistake: If the bus driver had made one false move, we would have skidded off the icy road.

false move 近义词

false move

等同于 mistake

false move

等同于 trip

false move

等同于 boner

更多false move例句

  1. The other songs go in to lesser percentages of “me” as you move along.
  2. Those threats prompted Lozoya to move her family to California for a time until things cooled down, she said in an interview.
  3. So not only will the GOP have control in the Senate, it will move the center of gravity on Capitol Hill hard to starboard.
  4. And no issue should be defined by its outliers because it paints a false picture.
  5. Youssef said the jailings are not only driving the community underground but pushing many to move abroad.
  6. Yet when I stop gazing the next impulse is to move on; for if I have time to rest anywhere, why not at home?
  7. Why, the skule committy are goin' to hold a meetin' up here to say whether they'll move the skule house or the cats.
  8. But the sheer quantity of the inflated currency and false money forces prices higher still.
  9. Aunt Ri was looking forward to the rest with great anticipation; she was heartily tired of being on the move.
  10. Wait patiently until your side move over from the Opposition to the Government benches.